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SRI HANUMADGIRI PADMAKSHI TMEPLE has very great history. Goddess padmakshi is the holy god of KAKATIYAS. The information that when goddess padmakshi came into existence was not perfectly known. But from the book named SIDDESHWARA CHARITRAM written by KASE SARVAPPA we can notice that PADMAKSHI goddess exists long back 2nd to 4th century.


According to the siddeshwara charitram, After the lord siddeshwara descended to the earth out of bengnity towards the siddhas, some years elapsed. In the country to north of srisailam  in the land lying between  godavari and krishna rivers in the dandaka forest there lies the HIDIMBI ASHRAMAM. To north of this lies HANUMAKONDA (hanumadri) hill, the gods and siddhas make it their favourite resort. Lord siddeshwara took his abode on this. In his foreground to the EAST stands BHADRESHWARI(present bhadrakali temple). To his south is Lord Gopala, in the posture lying on serpent-Anata Sayana. which is not traceable now. To his WEST is situated goddessPADMAKSHI(present padmakshi temple), seated in padmasana posture. She is surrounded by deities in terrible Incarnations.To north lies diety Nishada Rudreshwari and god gargala.There are many vastis round the fort of gods of durga and of brahmins. Such famous hill is Hanumakonda. 

Here a king of hunter class named YERUKA DEVA RAJU established his rule who hails from srisailam came here by roaming and being enchanted by the beauty of this place established his rule. He worshipped god Siddeshwara.He had three sons Anuma, Konda and Gargala and ruled for 186 years. Then after Kakatiyas came into existence by the grace of goddes padmakshi and built a fort of EKASHILANAGARA (modern warangal).



According to the legend, that one MADHAVA VARMA who was considered to be the founder of kakatiya line visited the then famous PADMAKSHI Temple and that he was presented with a sword and sheild by goddess herself. The sword was blessed to give house victory for thousand years. There is of course a controversy in 

identification of this madhava varma and his times. The historians differ in placing him between 323 AD and 505 AD which means that goddess padmakshi temple exists even before that period.

The said madhava varma had his only son padmasena after the goddess of padmakshi considering his only son as boon of goddess. In fact no other ruler before Padmasena is having similar name. This fact would again confirm the existence of padmaskhi temple during 4th century AD. Till date no other temple of  Padmakshi is discovered in and around this region.

Foundation of kakatiyas:

There is a fact that above said king padmsena worshipped lord siddeshwara and padmakshi withkushmandas(pumpkins) Desirous of be getting a son. And by the gods grace a son was born who was named as Vennama Raju. This must have given Rise to the story of that kakatiyas are born out of pumpkin creeper. Later the kings after venama raju defeated many other kings and established their rule. PADMAKSHI goddess is often referred as KHUSHMANDA by kaktiyas.

How  MADHAVA VARMA was Blessed by PADMAKSHI goddess:

The account of kakatiyas begin with genealogy of LUNAR race of king as found in puranas. Moon was progenitor of this race. Pandavas of Mahabarata fame, king janmejaya of sarpayaga etc also belong to same dyanasty. King SOMA of same dynasty wished to be away from rivalries, so he crossed river godavari conquered many lands and established a kingdom. His son king Nanda built a city named nandagiri. He went  to srisailam to worship god Mallikarjuna and there he entered a cave where a Yogi gave him a sword and shield.

After Several Generations rolled on King Somadevaraju was born who was known for his prowess in war. He granted lands to brahmins on both sides of godavari. His cows grazed on pastures along godavari from Mantrkuta ( presentmanthani in telangana) to Badrachalam. His herdsmen made conflicts with officers of king BALLAHA which grew large and Ballaha waged a war against SOMADEVARAJU and unfortunately Somadevaraju was defeated and died in this war. At that time his wife SIRIYALA DEVI was pregnant. She escaped to Hanumakonda into the country ofYERUKA DEVA RAJU who declined for her petition but brahmins of his were more chivalrous. Their Leader was wiseMADHAVA SARMA who is the PUJARI of that then PADMAKSHI temple offered siriyala devi a refuge and treated her like his daughter. But Ballaha being aware that came to madhava sarma and enquired about his daughter. All brahmins supported madhava sarma saying siriyala devi was his daughter but Ballaha being unsatisfied asked to eat food cooked by her which cannot be done by brahmins as siriyala devi was a KSHATRIYA lady. But one wise brahmin said that as Somadeva raju learnt VEDAS. So one who sutdies Vedas is Surely a Brahmin. Saying that all brahmins eat food cooked by siriyala devi and BALLAHA leaves.

Later Siryala Devi gives birth to a male child named MADHAVA VARMA showing her dignity towards madhava sarma. This madava varma once forgot his slate in PADMAKSHI temple and in the while goddess PADMAKSHI came there, madhava varma and took his things and leaving seeing that  goddess padmakshi felt delighted and offered him a wish. Then madava varma asked power to defeat Ballaha. So padmakshi gave him a shield and sword with which he is undefeated for 1000 years.

Then after he defeats Ballaha and establishes his rule. After him 15 kings including PRATAPA RUDRA, PROLA-1, PROLA-II, ruled and used to visit this Padmakshi temple by a Secret way (swarnga margam).


The Famous king of kakatiyas BETHA-1 adopted jainism.Then after the minster of king PROLA-1 named BETHENE PREGGADA who was a jain and his wife MAILAMAMBA has done many great things in support of JAINISM. She Rennoovated Padmakshi temple and made JAIN carvings all over the temple for support of JAINISM.

FROM THEN TO TILL NOW EVERY DAY PUJAS, ARCHANS, and DUSHERA Festival is celebrated very GRANDLY here and during DUSHERA this place is most visited by people. People from all over the world come here DURING DUSHERA CELBRATIONS



​ఆలయ దర్శన వేళలు

​ప్రతి రోజు

ఉదయం గం 4:00 నిలకు

ఆలయము తెరువబడుతుంది.

కానీ పూజాది కార్యక్రమములు గం 5:00 నిలకు మొదలయి గం 10:30 నిల లేదా గం11:00 నిల వరకు జరుపబడుతాయి. 
సాయంత్రం :
సాయంత్రం గం 4:00 నిల నుండి .గం 6:30 నిల వరకు ఆలయము తెరిచి ఉంటుంది. అప్పుడప్పుడు గం  7:00 నిల వరకు ఉంటుంది.

శుక్రవారం రోజున ఆలయము ఉదయం గం 5:00 నిల నుండి మధ్యాహ్నం గం 1:00 నిల వరకు తెరిచి ఉంటుంది.
సాయంత్రం గం 4:00 నిలకు

నుండి గం 7:30 నిల లేదా గం 8:00 నిల  వరకు తెరిచి ఉంటుంది.  

పండుగ రోజులలో వివిధ కార్యక్రములు


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